NICKELSLIP is a nickel based extra high and low temperature anti-seize assembly compound.
Containing pure nickel, aluminium and graphite in a non-melt base with corrosion and oxidation
inhibitors, also resistant to acids and ammonia. For use when copper can not be present.
For use on threaded parts, bushings, gears, valve systems, chain sprockets, levers, hinges, pivots,
rollers, heat exchanger or manifold bolts, or as a gasket release agent. This inert anti-seize is
electrically conductive, protects to 1350°C.
Extremely resistant to high temperatures and to acids, chemical corrosion and oxidation. Free of
copper, lead, sulphides, fluorides and chlorides. Recommended for use with stainless steel screws,
flanges, nozzles, couplings and other metal fittings, or where high Nickel alloy materials such as
stainless steel, or where Titanium or other hard metals are involved.
This product is not recommended for pure oxygen systems.