OKAutrod 19.30 Mig Wire

£179.99 Inc VAT (20%)

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A continuous, solid, copper wire for the GMAW joining of copper-zinc alloys and low-alloyed copper and for the GMAW brazing of zinc-coated steel sheets. OK Autrod 19.30 is alloyed with silicon and manganese and has good flow properties and wear resistance.

The alloy is widely used in the joining of zinc-coated steel sheets in car body production, as well as for overlay welding on low- and non-alloyed steels and cast iron. Pulsed GMAW is recommended.

OK Autrod 19.30 is normally welded with pure Ar as the shielding gas; however, for GMAW brazing, the addition of 1% O2 improves the brazing properties.

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Feature Attributes

Material Type:
Alloyed copper (Cu + 3 % Si )