Sporti 7 A3/B4 10W-40 Engine Oil - 1L

Order Code: ZT4779854S

£21.39 Inc VAT (20%)


Retains its multigrade properties throughout its life.
Good thermal stability.
Detergent, dispersant, anti-oxidant and anti-corrosion capabilities that easily exceed the requirements of the specifications indicated above.
Enhanced anti-wear capability satisfying the requirements of the motor manufacturers.
Excellent low temperature flow properties ensuring easy cold starts. Engine components are lubricated immediately, giving longer life and reduced noise in engines fitted with hydraulic tappets.

Suitable for:
Lubrication of all Gasoline engines with or without catalytic converters, and Diesel engines, turbo-charged or naturally aspirated, in cars and light vans, in the most varied weather and service conditions.

International Specifications:
ACEA : A3/B4
Meets the requirements of

VW 501.01/505.00
MB 229.1
PSA B71 2300/PSA B71 2294
1L/1 Litre

See full description