Quantity | Price | Discount |
1 - 4 | £33.99 | 0% |
5 - 9 | £32.63 | 4% |
10 + | £31.27 | 8% |
RoHS_YN: Yes
Sealing: IP67
Shielding: Yes
ConnectorType: Circular
ConnectorStyle: Receptacle
MountingType: Box - Front Mount - Thru Holes
NumOfContacts: 8
ContactStyle: Pin
ContactSize: 8#22D
ContactMaterial: Copper Alloy
ContactPlating: 50 microinches Gold Plate
ContactMatingLife: 500
TerminationMethod: Crimp
CrimpWireGauge: 22,24,26,28
ShellMaterial: Ultem/Polyetherimide
ShellPlating: Nickel over Copper
ShellColor: Nickel
GrommetSealMaterial: Silicone Rubber
AmperageRating: 5A
OperatingTemperature: -85 to +347 (-65 to +175)
InsertRotationKeying: A