20 Liter Balance Backpack Sprayer

Order Code: ZT5114280S

£119.99 Inc VAT (20%)


The 20 litre Balance Backpack Sprayer is designed to keep the body in balance while still maintaining good capacity and the exceptional spraying performance that Guarany’s equipment is known for.

Guarany based the design of the Balance on extensive research conducted by the Ergonomics and Safety at Work Laboratory at FEAGRI, the agricultural engineering department at Brazil’s Unicamp University (one of the most renowned universities in Latin America) FEAGRI specialise in ergonomics related to field tasks and Guarany consulted them on the basis that many of Latin America’s field workers are female and existing designs of backpack sprayer did not take the differences in the female form into account.

The resulting Balance design suits both female and male operators. Its wide-based form minimises horizontal pressure on the spine and vertical pressure on the neck and provides ventilation in areas of perspiration. The narrower top also improves manoeuvrability, making moving and turning in small spaces such as among rows in glasshouses or nurseries easier. There are no sharp edges to get caught on surrounding foliage.

The Balance adheres to Guarany’s philosophy of manufacturing robust, comfortable but also precise spraying equipment to maximise the effectiveness of the product being sprayed while minimising any adverse effects on the surrounding environment.

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Specifications for 20 Liter Balance Backpack Sprayer
  • Product Type
    Balance Backpack Sprayer
  • Capacity
    20 liters