SHERPA wall holder, complete set, including holder, 10 x A4 clear view panels, 5 each in grey and black, 10 clip-on tabs (58 mm) Supplied = assembled. Frame colour = assorted colours. Material = nylon glass fibre reinforced. Assortment of frame colours = grey, black. Number of clear view panels = 10 pcs. Colour = light grey. Product type = clear view panel wall holder sets. Made of extremely sturdy, glass fibre reinforced nylon. Easy wall mounting. Any number of wall display systems can be set up in a row. Includes: wall holder with 10 A4 clear view panels, 5 each in grey and black, 10 clip-on tabs, 58 mm wide with blank labels. Note the quantity discount compared to buying individual items. Clear view panel systems The best search engines are always the ones which return the sought after information the fastest. Clear view panel systems offer a highly efficient means of locating information.