Graphit 33 electrically conductive coating is a blend of electrically conductive graphite powder and a thermoplastic binder. A thin application transforms a non-conductive surface in a conductive surface to allow the flow of electrical current to connect circuits and power electronic devices.
Features and Benefits
• High contents of pure, fine graphite powder provides good electrical conductivity
• Has excellent gliding and release properties
• Provides good adhesion to a wide range of materials, including wood, metal, glass and plastics
• The coating's electroconductive properties can be improved by polishing or baking at 90°C (for one hour)
Typical Applications
• Conductive coatings for permanent and safe diverting of electrostatic discharges (ESD)
• Sliding coating for permanent, temperature-resistant dry sliding coating
• High-temperature release agent for high-voltage contacts and moulds used for sintering abrasive agents in abrasive discs
• ISO 9001:2015
• Graphit 33 must be heated before use in vaccum equipment
• Flammable - remove all sources of ignition and ensure there is good ventilation when in use