905 All Weather Roof Coating 5LTR

Order Code: ZT1036520X

£24.99 Inc VAT (20%)


• Fast drying.
• Unaffected by water immediately after application - can be applied when rain is imminent.
• Can also be used to bond felt.
• Brush applied.

Areas For Use:
Black Jack All Weather Roof Coating is an effective, general purpose roof coating. It is resistant to wash off by rain almost immediately after its application and is therefore ideally suited for winter use. Black Jack All Weather Roof Coating may be applied by brush to waterproof and re-seal many different types of roof coverings, including:

1. Asphalt roofs.
2. Built-up felt roofs.
3. Concrete roof decks.
4. Asbestos-Cement sheeting.
5. Metal sheeting, including iron, steel, zinc and lead.
6. Slates, tiles.

Black Jack All Weather Roof Coating may be used in conjunction with a rot-proof hessian reinforcement scrim or bitumen coated glass fibre scrim such as a Glass Membrane.

Black Jack All Weather Roof Coating may also be used as a Vapour Barrier on walls and roofs.

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