Zoro UK is committed to the continuous improvement of Zoro UK's practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. Zoro UK team members are responsible for being aware and alert to the risks of forced labour and human trafficking in the Zoro UK business and supply chain. They are expected to report concerns to the Zoro UK management, who is expected to act upon them.
Zoro UK is a company organised under the laws of England and Wales (company number 12143828), with Zoro UK's head office located in Leicester. Zoro UK is a multi-channel distributor of maintenance, repair and operations products primarily to business customers located in the United Kingdom. Zoro UK’s ultimate parent company is W.W. Grainger, Inc. (Grainger), a publicly traded U.S. corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Additional information about Grainger can be found on Grainger's corporate website.
Zoro UK's key supply chains involve procuring a wide variety of goods and services. Zoro UK's suppliers are often well-established and have a history of responsible trade with Zoro UK or Grainger-affiliated companies. The evaluation and selection of suppliers for Zoro UK's supply chain are based on the supplier's ability to provide goods that meet the required technical specifications as well as the need for satisfactory quality and service performance. These requirements are necessary to satisfy the movement of goods through the supply chain to fulfil Zoro UK's customers’ expectations.
This anti-slavery policy reflects Zoro UK's commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all of Zoro UK's business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to help ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in Zoro UK's supply chains.
Zoro UK's goal is to build long-standing relationships with suppliers in the UK and across the globe, regularly visit those suppliers, and make clear Zoro UK's expectations of business behaviour. Zoro UK expects these suppliers to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place, and conduct due diligence in their respective supply chains. As part of the Zoro UK induction programme, new suppliers are required to disclose the processes and policies that are in place in their supply chain to combat slavery and human trafficking. Zoro UK has a hotline available to all of Zoro UK team members and any other interested parties, including Zoro UK suppliers, in all countries where Zoro UK and Grainger physically does business (in both English and the local language) to encourage reporting of unethical or non-compliant behaviour. Hotline details are found in Zoro UK's proposed standard terms and conditions of purchase with Zoro UK suppliers. Subject to applicable law, calls made to the hotline are confidential and can be made anonymously.
Zoro UK has zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking in Zoro UK's business. In connection there with, Zoro UK has modified our terms and conditions of purchasing to require compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and provide for the immediate termination of the agreement in the event that Zoro UK becomes aware that the supplier engages in any behavior in violation of the Act. Zoro UK also has a compliance department that works closely with Grainger's other global operations to help ensure consistent and ongoing adherence to the company's core compliance and ethical values. As an affiliate of W.W. Grainger, Inc., Zoro UK shares in Grainger's corporate social responsibility commitment to operate with professionalism and integrity. This includes compliance with Grainger's supplier code of ethics, which has human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption as its key components. Grainger's corporate social responsibility report can be found at Grainger CSR.
All Zoro UK team members are trained on and are required to certify on an annual basis their understanding and compliance with the company's business conduct guidelines, which requires all team members to operate with the highest ethical, moral and legal standards. Zoro UK also provides additional guidance on slavery and human trafficking to Zoro UK's procurement professionals to improve their knowledge of issues relating to human rights and supply chain working conditions.
Zoro UK reviews and develop our policies, procedures, systems and controls to help ensure ethical practices and effective compliance is present in all of Zoro UK's business operations. In addition to a review of the effectiveness of the steps Zoro UK has taken to combat slavery and human trafficking in Zoro UK's supply chains, Zoro UK plans to initiate the following further steps:
• Applying a risk-based approach to the review of suppliers within Zoro UK's supply chain and certification by them of compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
• Continuing communication with relevant team members within the Supplier Management team to facilitate their understanding of, and compliance with, company expectations.
• Reviewing and enhancing training available to the Zoro UK organisation to encourage further understanding of instances of modern slavery and human trafficking and compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Last Updated 2nd January 2025
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