OK 46.30 E6013 Welding rods

OK 46.30 E6013 Welding rods

£54.99 Inc VAT (20%)
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All-round, general purpose rutile cellulosic electrode for thin to medium thick plates particulary suitable for vertical-down welding. Good striking and restriking properties, suitable for tack welding. Useful for bridging gaps.

Feature Attributes

Product Type:
SFA/AWS A5.1, E6013, EN ISO 2560-A, E 38 0 R 12
Welding Current:
DC - = direct current-straight polarity,DC + = direct current-reverse polarity,AC = alternating current
Recommended Welding Positions:
All Positional
Electrode Type:
SMAW = Shielded metal arc welding (Covered Stick electrode)

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