+11 more
£309 - £2.2K
Air Treatment (5)
Water Separator (1)
1/2in (2)
3/4in (3)
1in (1)
+1 more
Guaranteed 99.9999% liquid water removal ISO 12500 Certified Particulate removal to 1 micron Low cost of ownership Maintenance free Complete with wall bracket and drain valve Minimal inlet/outlet pressure drop Performance does not depend on the compressed air having a stable flow rate or high velocity Modular, scalable design delivers a wide flow rate product range without compromising the efficiency of removal of water and solid particles Unique patent protected multiple impact design operates far more efficiently than conventional filter designs No drop in liquid water or partical removal efficiency regardless of flow rate or duration of time installed Sealed for life aluminium housing No requirement for replacement filter cartridges No increase in pressure drop caused by blocked filters Easy to clean (1)
Guaranteed 99.9999% liquid water removal Particulate removal to 1 micron Low cost of ownership and maintenance free Complete with wall bracket and drain valve Minimal inlet/outlet pressure drop Performance does not depend on the compressed air having a stable flow rate or high velocity Modular, scalable design delivers a wide flow rate product range without compromising the efficiency of removal of water and solid particles Unique patent protected multiple impact design operates far more efficiently than conventional filter designs No drop in liquid water or partical removal efficiency regardless of flow rate or duration of time installed Sealed for life Stainless Steel Grade 304 housing No requirement for replacement filter cartridges No increase in pressure drop caused by blocked filters Easy to clean (3)
Superior protection for your compressed air equipment at point of use Stand-alone replacement for water separators and/or coalescing filters Protection upstream of refrigerant and desiccant dryers Easy to install, no mains power and no consumables No increase in pressure drop caused by blocked filters Significantly lower life cycle costs Instantaneous recovery from pulsed flows or stop start Maintenance free with built-in auto-drain (1)
Brand: PCL

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